
Showing posts from October, 2017

Part 1: Empowerment : The 7 Keys to Accessing Shamanic Consciousness:

The 7 Keys to Accessing Shamanic Consciousness: 1. Empowerment 2. Divination 3. Psychopomp 4. Weather Working 5. Hunting Magic 6. Shamanic Healing 7. Shamanic States of Consciousness and the Technology of Transcendence Shamans still exist in some form in every culture on the planet, including our own modernized Western world. Engaging with the shamanic tradition is not about cultural appropriation or ripping off the  spirituality of any indigenous peoples. We all come from indigenous ancestors if we go back far enough, and they all had great shamans. Thus, the shamanic path is one of our birthrights and the ancestral precursor of all of our  spiritual and religious traditions . In the Western world, when we hear the word shamanism, many of us think of a costumed tribal person dancing around a fire in the dark, involved in some sort of mysterious ritual, accompanied by drum beats and singing. But inside that costume and ritual there is a woman or a man with a...

Meaning of Shamanic Medicine Wheel

The Medicine Wheel of the Native Americans is symbolic of their spirituality and of the unique, individual ways we go to find our path – a journey of truth, harmony and peace. It is the symbol of the wheel of life, a never ending circle, life without end, forever evolving and bringing new lessons. The Earth walk is built on the understanding that every creature must stand on every spoke of the great wheel of life numerous times to know those truths. and that all directions are to be honoured and respected. Until one has walked in others’ moccasins, or stood on their spokes of the wheel, they will never truly know their hearts. The medicine wheel helps us with our ‘vision’, to see where exactly we are and in which areas we need to develop in order to realise and become our potentials. It shows us that we are ALL connected and shows us the intricacies of the interwoven threads of life and what our part in it all is. It aids us understanding that without our place in the tapestry ...

5 Easy Ways To Connect With Your Spirit Animal

In my experience, there are 3 major universal types of animal messengers we may encounter in our daily lives. These are commonly referred to as  power animals, spirit animals, and shadow animals .  I love to use the following analogy to help people to better understand the roles of animal messengers in our lives. If life is a book; then our  power animal  is the entire volume, the  spirit animal  is a chapter and the  shadow animal  represents the discourse encountered throughout the storyline. When it comes to finding our spirit animals, there are no hard and fast rules as to how many we have and how we obtain them. They are purely an individual exploration and a deeply personal practice. Here are  5 simple ways  you can connect with your current spirit animal. 1.    Set an intention Animal spirits are messengers for the now - they come and go throughout our lives to consciously remind us of what it...