Part 1: Empowerment : The 7 Keys to Accessing Shamanic Consciousness:
The 7 Keys to Accessing Shamanic Consciousness: 1. Empowerment 2. Divination 3. Psychopomp 4. Weather Working 5. Hunting Magic 6. Shamanic Healing 7. Shamanic States of Consciousness and the Technology of Transcendence Shamans still exist in some form in every culture on the planet, including our own modernized Western world. Engaging with the shamanic tradition is not about cultural appropriation or ripping off the spirituality of any indigenous peoples. We all come from indigenous ancestors if we go back far enough, and they all had great shamans. Thus, the shamanic path is one of our birthrights and the ancestral precursor of all of our spiritual and religious traditions . In the Western world, when we hear the word shamanism, many of us think of a costumed tribal person dancing around a fire in the dark, involved in some sort of mysterious ritual, accompanied by drum beats and singing. But inside that costume and ritual there is a woman or a man with a...